Chai Acupuncture
No Cold Drinks | Maintain Healthy Spleen and Stomach
No matter you're young or old, male or female, you shall try to avoid cold drinks, cold cream and such. It's common to see...
Chai Acupuncture
Summer Diarrhea | Acupuncture for Digestion
Other than the above severe cases and you are up to more natural ways to recover instead of taking antidiarrheal or antibiotic drugs, you ca
Chai Acupuncture
Common Symptoms due to Qi and Blood Deficiency
Too many symptoms are directly or indirectly caused by Qi and blood deficiency, e.g. insomnia, constipation, diarrhea, water retention, swel
Chai Acupuncture
The Risk of Fatty Organs...
Invisible weight shows up as protruding tummy. It hinders internal toxics from being released, slows metabolism, and increases the chance of
Chai Acupuncture
Weight Loss Strategy | Kidney Tonification
Weak kidney and spleen leads to lower digestive ability and slower metabolism. Food can not be well digested and discharged, and it gathers
Chai Acupuncture
Bad Sleep and Dreams | A TCM Perspective
3 major types of dreams that cause bad sleep. A traditional Chinese perspective looking at dreams and their relation to internal organs and