Chai Acupuncture
Health Management during Perimenopause and Menopause
All the above are direct symptoms caused by hormonal changes. Although they are part of a physiological stage that every woman has to go thr

Chai Acupuncture
Abdominal Pain, Lower Abdominal Pain, Menstrual Cramps | Acupuncture Can Help
Lower abdominal pain and general malaise during menstruation is mostly physiological. If the pain is severe, it is called "Dysmenorrhoe

Chai Acupuncture
Keep Regular Period in Check
It is important to keep regular period in check.
Good emotional state helps. Anger, worry, sadness can lead to blocked menstruation, reduced

Chai Acupuncture
Moxa the Belly | Warmth and Women
Moxa the belly to keep it all time warm. The tummy temperature decides your body's age. To increase the warmth of DanTian (lower belly)